It seems that we got an offer on our house today. However, it is a VERY LOW offer, and they are asking for $5000 in closing costs, as well. We will definitely NOT be accepting this offer, as we would lose a lot of money in the process. However, we will probably counter. They will probably not like the counter, however. We have the house listed at 139,900 (slightly more that we paid for it 5 years ago). After fees, we would barely come out ahead at this price. Our counter will most likely be full price, $3000 in closing, and the home warranty they asked for. This will just about break even for us. I have a feeling they won't take it, though. We'll see.
Jeffrey had a doctor's appointment today. After supplementing with formula for the past week, Jeff has gained 1 lb and 2 oz. He now weights 8 lbs, 13 oz! His jaundice is also resolved, so we have graduated from weekly appointments to one next month! I can not believe he is 4 weeks old already. Sunday will be 1 month that he has been with us!
Mandy and Andrew are both doing very well in school. They are greatly enjoying Ridgeview. They are both awesome siblings to their baby brother, as well. I love to see how they all interact.
Paul is still not happy with his job, and it just keeps getting worse. They cut the hours he is allowed to schedule by another 25 per week, allowing him to use only 130 hours. Also, another of his crew gave their notice, and will not be replaced. He will have to run his department with himself, 2 full time clerks, and 1 part time clerk. Needless to say, he is looking for other work.
Other than being tired, I am doing fine. I love having Jeffrey around and can not imagine doing anything other than taking care of my family right now. If I had to go back to work, I would, but my heart would very much not be in it. I am looking into ways to make money from home so I can contribute, but still be very much present in our house.
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