Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Home Sick

Amanda has been home sick all week. She has a fever, sore throat, and cough. Today, her eyelids hurt as well. I have kept her home from school. I took her to the doctor on Monday, when her symptoms began, and they told me the H1N1 is what they are seeing, and she may feel this way for up to a week. She has an excuse for the entire week, returning to school on the 5th. I thought she would be going back today, but she woke with a fever again. Oh well.

Believe it or not, she actually cried this morning because she really wanted to go to school. I felt bad that I had to keep her home. So far, no one else is exhibiting symptoms of any kind, so that is good. I will have to keep her home tomorrow, as well, because she needs to be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school.


Beckie Russell said...

Awwww.. Poor Mandy. Hope you feel better soon...

Mommy said...

I am so sorry Mandy is feeling so bad.

Get well soon Mandy. Grandma and Grandpa love you very much.

And your haircut is beautiful.