Monday, June 15, 2009

The Day is Done...

Today seemed incredibly busy, though I am not sure how much I actually accomplished. I hate when days leave you tired, yet feeling unproductive at the same time. I guess I should expect that being 31 weeks pregnant!

The morning began with a doctor's appointment at 10, which lasted until 11:45. The good part is I really liked the doctor, but she is one of 3, so I am not sure if I will like them all. They do seem willing to let me have a bit of leeway in the delivery room, however, as far as moving around and such is concerned.

After that, we went to visit Paul, as he works about 2 minutes from the doctor's office. There we made a few produce purchases, for which we receive a 20% discount. Then it was off to the regular grocery store, which is much more within budget. After that, we stopped by Kohl's to look for new shoes for Mandy, followed by a visit to the post office to mail a package.

All that took us until about 1:30, when we arrived home for lunch. I am unpacked a box or two (for the kitchen) and then sat down for a few minutes. Then, it seemed time to start dinner, as Paul was on his way home.

And now, here we are. The kids are off to take their showers before bed. Paul and I are both ready to lay down ourselves. Andrew will need to take the dogs out, and there are probably a million things I should be doing, but I think I will go relax for the evening.

Hope you all have a great night! Talk to you tomorrow.

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