Monday, September 27, 2010

The Pile

5 baskets, filled to the top.  Washed, dried, folded, and put away.  I thought it was over, but I was wrong.  Where there is one, there are surely many more.  It can not be left alone, for it only seems to multiply.  I know I am not alone in my never-ending quest for peace from this daily task, yet there are none who willingly battle alongside me.  The fight, for now, is mine alone.  I will survive and conquer.  It just might take me some time.  Today, the battle is won, but the war is far from over.


Beckie Russell said...

Right now, with the chidren's clothing being relatively small, we get all of the laundry done in one day per week (usually Sunday or Monday). But I imagine that as they get older and the clothing gets bigger, we'll have to split it between two days, one mid-week and the other on the weekend. I actually enjoy folding clothes, though, just not the whites...all those socks and undies!

The Davison Family said...

I hate folding clothes. It really does not take that much time, but it is the worst chore, in my opinion. It is not to be escaped, though.