Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Sale in the Near Future?

Paul's truck, which we purchased last July with cash, is on the chopping block! He has had a lot of interest of late, and someone is very serious about purchasing it. Once the truck is sold, we will fix up the old blue Subaru a little and Paul will drive that. It has been paid for since 2000.

Next up is my van. We still owe about 10,500 for it, but we can get 16,500. And we will lose a 347 monthly payment! We really only have a few debts to pay off, and both of these sales will go a long way towards eliminating all but one...THE STUDENT LOAN.

Sandie, I hope you do well with your plan. We will also be looking at around 2 years, mainly because a 28000 student loan is tough to pay down! Let's keep each other in check. Do I see a "race to be debt free" looming in the future? :)

1 comment:

Sandie said...

Lol! I too have a student loan to pay off and a couple of misc other things, and it doesn't amount to the same as yours, but our two year plan includes saving a significant down payment for a home and, of course, that nice big fat emergency fund of at least 6 months worth of living money. It's a lot of money, but I'm confident that we can do it. Oh, and through it all we have to build our business too! Oy!

Love you.