Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Evening Blahs

Well, I went back to school today, even though I would rather have stayed home in bed all day. I really hate being sick, when your body aches from coughing all the time. Now that it is evening, I am getting back that stuffy feeling. I really detest a cold.

Monday, January 26, 2009

And It's Later Today...

I went to the doctor's office this afternoon, and everything is looking great! They did another ultrasound for the NT test, to check if the neural tube is properly closed - it is. The baby was not very active and was laying on its back, so the tech had to jiggle around to get the baby to move into a nice position for the screening. I got lots of great pics from the ultrasound. And I got to hear the heartbeat! 168 BPM.

The bad thing was that Paul was picking the kids up from school, so he missed all of this :(

Next time, they will do the heartbeat with the doppler. The time after that, it will be time for the BIG ultrasound, where we will be able to find out what we are having! And yes, I would like to know.

Also, it is safe to take Robitussin for a cough, and I can use any cough drops. Still, I opted for sugar-free lemon drops to help with the cough.

I really love this doctor's office. They have been my Ob-Gyn since being here in SC all those years ago. They have delivered both of our children. And their office staff is WONDERFUL!!

Well, I am going to go rest now. I hope you all have a wonderful evening. Talk to you later!

11 Weeks and 2 days today!

Hello all! Wow, I really need to get better at this blogging thing. Well, I am 11 weeks into pregnancy by now. Time is really flying, too. The first trimester will be over very soon, and the baby will really start to grow!

I am going to the doctor this afternoon, so I took the day off from work. This is supposed to be a long, boring appointment. I will let you know how things go later today.

So, my pants don't fit at all anymore. If I wear my regular clothing, it is with adjustments. For example, I had to use a paperclip the other day to keep my pants closed without squishing my insides. I have purchased 5 pairs of maternity pants, which I much prefer to wear. They are extremely more comfortable than my normal pants. Did you know they actually make maternity pants with the elastic and buttons like they do for children's pants? I have two pairs of dress slacks like that, and I love them! As I get bigger, I can make the pants bigger too. And I have 2 pairs with the tummy panel (my least favorite) and a pair of under belly jeans (love these!). Unbelievably, they are all long enough for me, as well. I remember that being a problem in the past.

Well, I have been a bit under the weather this weekend. I have a cold or some such nonsense, so I would be staying home today even without the doctors appointment. I have this cough that just hurts everywhere. Very uncomfortable. And of course you can't really take anything when you are pregnant, either.

Talk to you later today!