Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Few Great Reads

I have recently read "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch, and I have to say it is a MUST READ. I originally came across the book in Costco, and thumbed through it. I decided to check it out from the library, but it was on reserve for a while. I finally had the opportunity to read it, and it made me cry. What's more, he succumbed to his cancer about 2 weeks ago, which made the story that much more impactful. If you are interested in a truly inspiring book, this is one to read.

Also, I have read "The QBQ: The Question Behind the Question" by Dan Miller. This one I read back in May, but it is a book that I constantly think about, and has changed the way I view a lot of situations in my life. It is a book about self-accountability. If you have EVER fallen into victim thinking (you know, "Why did this happen to me? Why can't things ever go right for me? When will it be my turn to win?"), then you need to read this book!

I love it when GREAT books come across my path. It is amazing to me that someone else's written words can change my life. I hope they change yours, too.


Jennie C. said...

I'm totally not up for the sob stories yet. The other night, I watched "Pay It Forward". Great movie, until the end. I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it, but I was bawling. I need happy. I need sunshine and daisies and falling in love. So, book one is out.


Jessica Davison said...

It was definitely a tear jerker. I have not yet seen "Pay It Forward", but I will have to request it from the library. Have you seen "Enchanted"? It is a happily ever after story that the kids would enjoy as well!

Jennie C. said...

We did see Enchanted. It was pretty good.

Beckie Russell said...

Pay it forward was definintely good. For a good read, Fight Club, even though it's a strange book, I enjoyed it. Easy read, too. But interesting. Not a happy ever after, though. Reminded me a bit of the movie 12 monkeys.